Professionals Age 35 and above

What they think: They may want for ‘weight loss of so-and-so kg’, ‘losing the belly’ or ‘increase in fitness’ (stamina and energy). They may emphasize that they do not want to build muscle or they are not into bodybuilding. They may expect training and nutrition schedule to be different and milder than younger fitness enthusiasts due to their supposedly easier/ less ambitious goal.

What they should understand: Loss of excess body weight needs to be in form of fat loss, but muscle loss. Fat loss only begins with muscle gain, which increases our body’s basal metabolism (or speed of internal activity) burning more fat during all routine activities, even at rest.

The elevation of metabolic rate is directly proportional to increase in the intensity of workout and increase in muscle mass (if supported by adequate protein in the diet). Increase in muscle mass does not equate to getting bulky, but gaining fat does.

Muscle gain is not easy to achieve by accident. Building big muscles requires a great increase in muscle size (hypertrophy), achieved only when years of extremely intense weight training is accompanied by a high intake of protein and fats.

We all need to work towards building a strong and fit body for increased productivity at home and at work. The increase in metabolism through muscle gain and loss of excess fat baggage is the secret to an energetic body and active mind.


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251 Purple Sunset Avenue Brooklyn, BXY 92101

Monday - Friday:

07.00 - 21.00


Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quod animi eveniet enim odio porro quibusdam, tenetur saepe reiciendis ea vero! Voluptatem ipsam ab dolore iusto aut tenetur distinctio unde fuga.