The Senior citizens

What they think: They may have a certain level of consciousness. But their mindset could range from eager to learn new ways to delay aging and hence enthusiastic and disciplined about training and diet, to a more rigid mindset that they may believe is ‘too old to change’. They may underestimate their own strength, believing that muscle weakness is inevitable with age and deliberately limit their exercise due to fear of injuries.

What they should understand: Ageing may not be totally avoidable but can definitely be delayed, even reversed to a great extent in some cases. Aging is nothing but a loss of muscle mass and strength due to increased catabolism and breakdown of all body proteins. A great production of free radicals and weekend antioxidant defences is the main factor.

Muscle performance is not limited by age and can be progressively increase to strength levels even higher than the young once. However, the extent of anabolism and muscle growth, given the right nutrition, is totally dependent on the hormonal status of the person which generally becomes sub-optimal with age, the wrong kind of diet based on conventional wisdom (low fat, preponderance of grains with a modicum of protein) often makes matter worse endocrinologically.


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251 Purple Sunset Avenue Brooklyn, BXY 92101

Monday - Friday:

07.00 - 21.00


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